Call Us To Schedule Your Inspection Today! (855) 653-0489




Why Ideal Inspections?

At Ideal Home Inspections, we take our work seriously. We have a proud history of providing quality, trustworthy work and customer satisfaction that has stood the test of time. We know how important a professional home inspection is to prospective buyers, and treat every case just as we would our own homes. Quality, trust, professionalism, and comprehensive inspections are our top priorities.

To demonstrate how serious we are, Ideal Home Inspections offers 100% satisfaction guaranteed. That means that no job is complete until all of our customers concerns are addressed. We will leave no stone unturned, and will utilize a comprehensive system that ensures we inspect all critical aspects of your home. We guarantee inspections of all major aspects of the home include HVAC, electrical and plumbing systems. No surprises, no shortcuts. We pride ourselves in our customer service and satisfaction and strive to conduct nothing but the highest quality home inspections.

We give all our customers the opportunity to talk with our inspectors prior to receiving their reports. We strive for open, clear communication with our customers and keep you informed every step of the way.  If you are unsatisfied or have any problems, they will all be addressed before any payment is required. At Ideal Home Inspection, we work with you and for you to give you to delivery the highest quality of work in the field.

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home inspectors you can trust

For years, Ideal Home Inspections has been providing BC with high quality home inspection services. Our renowned team of inspectors have earned the trust and reputation of our many customers, and set a high bar in the industry.

Ideal Home Inspections strives to instill confidence in property buyers. We do so by exceeding customer expectations as much as possible, leaving no question as to the quality and status of their property.

Our team of qualified inspectors and workers want nothing more than to give you the high standards you deserve from a property inspection. We understand the importance of a comprehensive inspection, and work with you every step of the way.

Benefits of hiring a home inspector

By hiring Ideal Inspections, you receive the following benefits:

  • A comprehensive and thorough home inspection to identify any issues
  • Availability of inspection services throughout the week. We work around your schedule to ensure you’ll get your inspection that suits your needs.
  • A detailed oral, written, and E-mail report with recommendations and advisories

We Guarantee Our Home Inspections

Ideal Home Inspections guarantees the quality of work to every customer. We use professional methods and in depth inspections to leave you completely satisfied with your knowledge of the property. Our inspections involve no rushing, and no shortcuts. Our fully trained and certified inspectors use top of the line equipment and methods so we can properly inspect every part of the property in depth.

A typical three hour inspection is boasted as the most comprehensive inspection offered on the market. We analyse everything from the roof to the foundation and in between. We guarantee a complete inspection of the property, and won’t write a report or invoice a charge until the job is done. Our inspectors are trained to pay attention to minute details, and we believe more information is always better than less.


Ideal Home Inspections believes in involving their customers every step of the way. Our team will walk you through the process, and even do a post-inspection walk through the property with you. As we walk you through the property, we give you a detailed description of our methods and findings, all in terms you can understand.


Have questions about the quality of our inspectors? We’re happy to brag about it! All of our team members are fully insured, certified and licensed in the field. We also provide them with in-house training from our accredited inspection education institute. If you have any doubts or questions, we’ll gladly present you with the paperwork upon request. We believe that trust and communication are foundational to a successful inspection.

We’ll Help You Avoid Any Surprises

The only way to make a good decision on a property purchase is to understand the property inside and out. We work tirelessly to ensure all your bases are covered, and that you don’t purchase any property without the utmost confidence that it meets your standards. We treat your real estate transaction seriously, and address more than maintenance issues. We value the health and safety of property owners, going to great lengths to inspect the structural integrity of your property. Our top of the line infrared equipment can reveal immediate issues and highlight any problems that require attention prior to your purchase.


What our clients have to say

Buying a home can be so scary, working with Ideal Inspections made me feel so much better about my purchase. So informative and helpful. Would highly recommend them to anyone!! MAYA T.
Had a great experience with this company. They were very thorough and did the home inspection in a very timely manner. The report is very detailed and also includes pictures. Thanks again!!! Shawn G.
Ideal Inspections was the most thorough inspector I’ve ever encountered. I sold real estate years ago and was so appreciative of the time spent on this inspection. Will use this company again when we find another home!! JOSH .Y

Request A Home Inspector Today

If you’re looking for the most comprehensive and thorough home inspection service in the whole town, we are here. Our many years of experience and reputation assure you of the quality of work we do. We guarantee 100 percent customer satisfaction. Choose us for a flawless home buying process that you’ll never regret.